Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chew #33

Written by John Layman
Art by Rob Guillory

I'm not sure if there is any other comic coming out (more or less) monthly that I look forward to more than a new issue of Chew.  Layman and Guillory have worked into such a perfect groove for this title that each new issue feels better than the one before.

This issue opens on Colby having a terrible night at home, joined as he is by his boss, Director Applebee, who is forcing his company (and probably other things) onto him, and using his as a shoulder to cry on.

Tony Chu, meanwhile, is on loan to the US Navy for a mission that his him returning to the island of Yamapalu, the sight of an earlier mission for him.  Tony is being sent to abduct (render?) someone in a position of leadership in the Church of the Immaculate Ova, the chicken-worshipping cult that has been causing problems in the US.  To do this, he has to face a sciboinvalescor, a person who gains strength through ingesting food.

I don't want to give away too much about this issue, but Poyo, the cybernetic chicken killing machine has a cameo, and Guillory's depiction of the Navy is hilarious.  I've been fascinated by the turn towards darkness we've seen in Chu's behaviour, especially since that same darkness is not reflected in the rest of the comic.

If you aren't reading Chew, you really need to be.

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